Please Be Alert

A resident has informed me that his girl friend was recently trailed in and out of the Leo Roy Garage and around the neighborhood by a grey Mercedes (police were called). This same resident also had an incident with a drone outside his window.

Not to add to anyone’s anxiety level in these challenging times, but please be mindful of your surroundings, and of the fact that living on the upper floors is no longer a guarantee of privacy. There are wonderful advantages to city living, but a bit of extra vigilance is advisable.

One thought on “Please Be Alert”

  1. Since I’ve been asked, here is the slightly more detailed information as given to me via e-mail. My thanks to Sean for reminding us to be vigilant.

    ” Yesterday night my girlfriend was followed into the Leo Roy Parking garage (Next door) by a man in a grey Mercedes. She had an odd feeling about him following her so she pulled out of the garage too see if he would keep following her. He did, and in fact followed her around the neighborhood. I came out to escort her in and watched him follow her in and out of the garage a second time. At this point we called the police.

    Unrelated – today, I happened to look outside my window and saw a drone just outside. I can’t say whether it was recording video, but its a definite possibility and leaves me a bit unsettled.

    I don’t want to unnecessarily to raise anxiety in this already challenging time, but I wanted to put out a general warning to everyone to be mindful of their safety and privacy.”

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