One More Word About Security…

The management, in cooperation with the board and a joint committee with representatives from all three buildings, is working on ways to secure the mailroom ASAP. In the meantime, if at all possible, please do not let people trail in behind you into our lobby. Residents are well within their rights to politely tell someone that they need to use their own fob or be let in by someone who knows them. If you’re uncomfortable with any sort of confrontation (like me), you might want to consider using our building’s side or back entrances where no one can pretend to be innocently waiting for someone to buzz them in.

Between cooler weather and masking up for safety reasons, our security cameras just aren’t much help identifying the package thieves. As an example, here’s an image of someone who came in behind a resident and then proceeded to rob the mailroom. He also clearly knew exactly where the camera was.

4 thoughts on “One More Word About Security…”

  1. I’m sure the board is discussing, but is there resistance to securing the mail room door both ways coming in from the lobby? This feels like an issue that we will never resolve by PSA alone. It’s also not as if we can get our packages without having keys anyway so it perhaps a minor inconvenience for us in Canal Place one that go a long way to solving the tailgater issue from one door at least.

  2. I for one am uncomfortable but have pulled the door closed behind me only to see the next person let them in.

    To add to Cliff’s suggestion one could add the same security on the exterior mailroom and 2nd lobby door. This gives residences two near by doors to use and not having to confront anyone.

    This being said, will people take advantage of the availability.


  3. Has a police report been filed yet? We’ve had this happen enough times that the dollar value of packages being stolen is significant. I know from experience of having shoplifters at a business that oftentimes these are repeat offenders whom the police can recognize just from the video footage. This also may be an issue in other buildings in the downtown vicinity so we should make our issue known and make the police aware if not already done so.
    Stay vigilant!

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