No Smoking Policy & Fire Alarms

The last few months have seen the building’s fire alarms trigger multiple times. Although I’m not aware of the exact cause in each instance, it seems worth reminding folks that there is absolutely NO SMOKING or vaping of any kind in any common area of the building. This includes, but is not limited to: stairwells, fire corridors, basement garage, lobby, atrium, and trash rooms. Nor is smoking allowed within 30 feet of any building entrance, per a 2015 amendment to the Association Rules and Regulations.

Additionally, please do not air smoke from your unit into the fire corridors or the atrium. 

False alarms happen, but some are avoidable. And they aren’t just a minor nuisance for residents (and the LFD); they can be a real problem for folks with young children, pets, or limited mobility, and they can result in elevator shut-downs like last night’s. They also cost us money in terms of alarm company service calls, false alarm fees from the City, and wasted electricity running alarms and exhaust fans. sometimes for hours before the problem is resolved.

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