Composter Reminder

From Georgi:

I used the composter for the first time today. I was ready to throw my soft half cucumber and a third of an apple that was brown into my garbage pail when I remembered about the composter.

My few pieces of compost joined a few motley pieces of produce in the composter – and I could still see the bottom of the barrel.

I know it’s going to take a while to remember that those  peelings and brown/rotted fruits and veggies don’t belong in the garbage can but should be tossed In that composter conveniently sitting in our back parking Island – but please really TRY to remember.

It will be better for our gardens and better for us all to use that composter to make beautiful dirt instead of rotting garbage.

Georgi May

2 thoughts on “Composter Reminder”

  1. I had a bunch of questions on the composter-
    -Are coffee grounds/tea leaves (cut out of the bag) fair game for composting?
    -What’s the deal with the pail of dirt beside the composter? Are we supposed to sprinkle dirt on top of the scraps that we add? Or is this the place for the finished compost after it’s done decomposing?
    -I know it says no paper- does this mean we can’t put a sheet of paper towel or newspaper at the bottom of our “kitchen can” to keep stuff from sticking? What about “compostable” can liners?
    -Are non-food plants ok (thinking cut flowers) or is it only for kitchen scraps?

    1. Thank you for tour questions and I am glad you are composting!
      Yes to coffee grounds, filters, tea bags and leaves.
      A paper towel in the bottom of your compost bin is fine.
      Sorry but no plastic, even “compostable” its confusing and leads people to believe plastic bags are ok.
      The dirt is ro sprinkle on top…
      Hop this answers if not ask away!

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