Boxes & Site Updates

When leaving boxes in the cardboard dumpster in the basement, please, please break them down and flatten them. It only takes a minute and makes a huge difference in managing the dumpsters.

It’s probably worth noting here that, for cost and logistical reasons, this building does not have a recycling program. That said, a number of folks take their recyclables to the drop-off bin at the DPW on Middlesex Street. This needs to be done during DPW business hours so they can unlock the bin for you. Click here for more info. (Personally, I adore this bag for that purpose. Ours is still going strong 10 years after we bought it.)

Also, I’ve updated three of the Neighbor to Neighbor pages with additional info, (thank you, Bill, for supplying much of it) as well as adding a photo gallery to share remodeling ideas. Electrical & Energy Efficiency, Smoke & Odors, and Heating & Cooling all have new info. There’s a bit of redundancy but much of it is new and potentially very useful.

Right now the Remodeling Gallery is primarily photos of my own unit but more pics are welcome!

5 thoughts on “Boxes & Site Updates”

  1. The transfer station is only open three days a week from 9-3 when those of us that work outside of the home cannot possibly get there. I would like to more specifics about why we cannot have recycling when both neighboring buildings do have it. Where can I find that information?

  2. I’m sure the Board would be interested in hearing how the other buildings manage their recycling. This subject comes up repeatedly at Board meetings but it always comes down to both cost and cooperation. Not only does paying for a separate recycling hauler add to our disposal costs, but when the building has had recycling in the past people have invariably mixed in inappropriate materials (this, I believe, is the same reason the DPW bin is now kept locked). On top of that, when we had bins on each floor, we used volunteers to bring them down each week for pickup, a task that ended up falling on the same couple of people over and over.

    Everyone on the Board would be happy to have recycling in the building. They’ve just never had anyone put forward a workable, affordable program.

  3. I agree with Connie about the DPW hours.
    I’ll mention it to our City Councilor. I think I know where he can be found 😆.
    Seriously it would be good if the DPW would have at least one late night or a Saturday time.
    Unfortunately Ruth is probably right that people don’t follow the rules and mix in trash with the recycling. So since retired we do go to the DPW with recycling. But that doesn’t work for most given th e hours.

  4. I’m really torn about this.

    On the one hand, it is hugely irritating that we don’t recycle as a building and it feels like we should figure out a way. On the other, I understand the logistics issues being a literal game of chutes and ladders in a building this age and how no matter what rules we set, people will continue to put everything down the nearest chute.

    Also, practically, environmentally speaking, recycling doesn’t do anything, it’s just a way to shift blame for unsustainable business practices onto municipalities.

    I’ve personally been trying (with varying levels of success admittedly) to bring fewer immediately disposable thing into the house (glass jars or deli containers vs plastic storage bags), prioritizing goods from the market that don’t come in single use plastics (lookin at you, spring mix) and using the compost bins. Reduce and Reuse come before Recycle for a reason.

    Feels like an uphill battle tho.

    1. Regarding reducing trash: I’ve developed a real aversion to plastic bottles and like to look for ways to eliminate them. We’ve switched to laundry detergent sheets which I think are SO much easier and eliminate those giant plastic bottles—I just wish more stores would start carrying them. I get concentrated apple juice in paper/metal cans instead of the big plastic bottles, and we’ve switched to shampoo bars (although I admit that I find them a bit of a nuisance). Spring water bottles have long since been replaced with reusable bottles and a Brita pitcher, and we’ve cut back a good bit on soda. When you cut out enough big plastic bottles, the recycling container needs emptying much less often.

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