Anyone Noticing an Odd Smell Outside?

Just got this question from a resident:

I’ve noticed a chlorine-like smell in our neighborhood air lately. Anyone else notice this? Anyone know what it is?

I haven’t noticed anything.  Has anyone else?  Feel free to respond in the comments.

If I had to guess, I’d say they were doing some heavy-duty cleaning in our building’s back end section, the former power plant area that’s being rehabbed into luxury condos.  But I’m only guessing.

4 thoughts on “Anyone Noticing an Odd Smell Outside?”

  1. Another possibility is the work that is being done on the garage next door. They are laying down some heavy duty sealant that has the kind of smell you are describing.

  2. It depends on where you smell the odor.

    1) In the front elevator? There is a smell associated with something Ron lays down to suppress the smell of the garbage which is adjacent to the elevator. You can ask Cathy about it. I think it is lime.
    2) Parking Garage – yes, they are putting down the sealant which was described. It is more of a plastic kind of smell. They will continue laying this down until winter sets in.
    3) Back of the building: all kinds of things happening there. They hit an electrical junction box recently and it caused smoke to fill the back staircase. The fire department was called. They are ripping out all of the old machinery and if you have noticed, the pavement out in front is now covered with oil. So if you smell anything back there, it could be anything. Speaking of this, has anyone been annoyed by the jack hammering going on past 5 PM or any other construction going on past 5 PM? If you have, suggest you call and complain to the Mayor. I am very pleased they are reworking the building but they do need to be good neighbors while they do the construction.
    4) There was a recent electrical short/fire/smoke. I think it was caused by the fountain but Cathy never tells us anything so if you are curious you can call her. After the fire department left, I noticed a definite smell at the higher floors, such as 4, 5, and 6. This did smell a little like the chlorine you mention. This happened maybe a week or two ago.
    5) I get all kinds of odors coming into my apartment from the open space behind the walls of the bathrooms and the heat pumps. If you live on an upper floor, you will get odors from below.
    6) After a rain in the open parking area I distinctly smell urea from time to time. I also smell this in the stairwell of the Leo A Roy parking garage.
    7) The garbage bins in the summer can get rather ripe.

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