All posts by admin

Alley Between Canal Place 1 & 2

A group of dedicated residents have been digging in on cleaning up the alley with the hopes of turning it into a place we can all enjoy. It’s going to be an ongoing project. They meet informally Sunday morning putting in as much or as little time as they like between nine and noon; a few folks even pitch in during the week. Everyone is welcome to join them—if you love condo living but miss working in the garden, here’s your chance!

Below are some pictures (thank you, Mary) or stroll on through and check it out yourself.

2 Meetings and 2 Trifles

The Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association will be having a meeting tonight at 7:00 at the LTC offices next door. 

The Canal Place monthly board meeting will be held Wednesday night in the lobby office at 7:00. Residents welcome.

And two trifles from last night’s potluck supper:
Since I mentioned my Lowell dance history book to people, I figured I’d offer a link to the book’s website (the book is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble but it’s probably cheaper and faster to buy a copy from me). If you’re not particularly interested in the early history of Lowell’s social scene but the history of downtown buildings fascinates you, you can also find what I’m quite sure is THE most detailed history of the Railroad Bank building (east end of the Bon Marché building) on the site as well as a walking tour of dance sites in old Lowell and some minor corrections to the building info that’s in the book.

Trifle number two is this amazing, well, trifle created by Don Trite for the party last night (thanks for the pic, Georgi). For those who didn’t get a chance to try it, let me say, it was even yummier than it looks! Hope to see you all at another gathering soon.

Alleyway Beautification

Several people from Canal Place 1 & 2 are meeting this Sunday morning outside the mailroom from 9–10 to discuss ways to make the alleyway between the buildings something to enjoy rather than ignore—a nice green space with flowers is the current thought. Anyone with ideas to share and/or helping hands to offer is encouraged to join this planning session. Implementation and completion of the project are sure to take time but many hands make light work!

And one more reminder about the Association potluck in the Atrium: Sunday is the day, 4:00–7:00 is the time. If you’re interested in joining your neighbors for this fun event but haven’t signed up yet, please click here!

Parking, Pot Lucks, & Prancing

According to the City Council’s online agenda for the 12th, Tuesday’s meeting will include more discussion regarding the proposed increases in the parking rates (section 4.3 of the agenda).  The meeting starts at 5:30.

If you’re interested in a fun evening of food and conversation, don’t forget to sign up for the Association Pot Luck that’s being held in the Atrium on the 24th.

A Midsummer Dream festival is on Merrimack Street next Saturday afternoon and evening. It’s free and it doesn’t involve any street closings. Charlie and I have been roped into providing some dance entertainment  during the afternoon which makes it a truly unique opportunity to see one of your board members hopping around downtown in fairy wings!

City Council Meeting 5/29

FYI, the City Council’s agenda for Tuesday evening’s meeting includes the proposed parking rate increases for downtown. It’s not clear if there’s a vote or public input involved, but anyone interested in keeping abreast of the situation might want to attend the meeting in the City Council chamber at City Hall at 6:30.

Mailroom and Doors Open

Doors Open Lowell is this Thursday thru Saturday. There are some interesting new buildings on the list this year (we’ve always wondered about the trolley barn at the Boott and now we get a chance to visit it!) More info here.

And, if you’ve been wondering what happened in the mail room last weekend, someone forced the window and helped themselves to some packages. There’s a photo of the culprit in the Lowell Sun here.

Board Meeting Wednesday and Festivals

The monthly board meeting is tomorrow, the 25th, in the lobby office at 7:00. Residents are welcome.

The Festival of Lights is this Saturday, the 28th, at 6:00 at 282 Suffolk Street, a short walk across Dutton Street. This lovely evening festival involves music, international food, and floating lanterns.

And there’s a new festival in the works for mid-June centered on Shakespeare and fantasy creatures. They’re currently looking for vendors, fairy house builders, and costume competitors. Sounds like a great chance to flex your creative side!