- If you are a unit owner who plans to pay your share of the loan up front, you’re running out of time to do so. Payment MUST be RECEIVED by May1st to avoid 10 years of interest.
- If you own a basement space and were storing things in it, PLEASE take a few minutes to make sure your things didn’t land in the wrong space after the remodel. These wandering items will be removed and discarded when requested by the affected space owners. There are photos at the end of this post of some items slated for removal if they’re not retrieved ASAP.
- Management is working on getting the remote opening system for the garage door working again. Last I saw, the door was being left open for easy access/egress.
- Flats of begonias are scheduled to be delivered on Thursday, May 16th and planting will begin as soon as they arrive. We’ll have 2000 begonias to fill the usual garden plots, so volunteers are much appreciated!
- The lobby office will be closed this Saturday morning and will be open Sunday from 9:00 to 11:00am instead.
The bike rack and potting mix below are in space #9 which switched owners during the remodel—no idea if they belong to the old owner or to someone else. The little table has been removed from the garage but will be returned on request (contact me). The tall cabinet is one of many in the garage but does not belong to space #7 where it currently stands.