‘Tis the Season…

As winter and the holidays approach, this building tends to find itself with an excess of both mice and packages.

Regarding packages: Please pick up your packages from the mailroom promptly; that room was never designed to handle the number of deliveries that have become part of modern life. And, while our fob system has been very successful reducing package thefts, packages still get taken occasionally, either by folks tailing someone in or by another resident within the complex. The less time an item sits in the mailroom, the better.

Regarding mice: Be aware that those furry critters are currently looking for someplace warm, and your unit may be just the spot! Some of their favorite access points are the openings around incoming plumbing, unseen holes behind kitchen appliances, and those little gaps along the lower edge of baseboards, particularly in the corners. One way to seal up openings is with a spray foam designed for that purpose. Various types of traps can also be helpful. And make sure all food is properly sealed and put away so that it doesn’t serve as an invitation.

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