Site Update, Ballots & Annual Meeting

A reminder: The Annual Meeting for owners is tomorrow, Wednesday the 23rd, at 6:00 (not the usual 7:00) on the top level of the Leo Roy Garage. Please bring your own chair. Two policy amendments and two Board seats are up for votes so it’s a particularly important meeting.

If you can’t make it to the meeting and haven’t yet submitted a ballot for the amendments (and a proxy to supply a quorum for the Board votes), please, please, please fill one out and slide it under the office door, scan it in and e-mail it to Cathy, or give it to someone to bring to the meeting. Ballots and proxies went out to owners in a packet in late May and should also be available by e-mail from Cathy if yours has been misplaced.

The canalplaceone website has undergone a less-than-perfect overhaul. I really should have abandoned my out-of-date web design software for this project and switched every page over to smart-phone-friendly templates but I didn’t. Maybe some time down the road that will happen but not today. In the meantime, here’s what’s changed:

The colors on the original home page have been spruced up and a few links changed but the page basically looks the same—I couldn’t bear to wipe out every last instance of those vintage window links!

The old “inside” pages have been simplified and have a brighter color scheme (the dark, dramatic websites of yore having fallen out of favor). An “About” page has also been added. The pages are not particularly device-friendly but they’ve been tried out on a half dozen browsers and there’s plenty of useful info available there even if they’re a tad clunky.

The bulletin board itself continues to use device-friendly WordPress software, and now has a “recent comments” list as well as a number of new links. Using the same interactive software, the site also has a whole new section titled “Neighbor to Neighbor” to provide a repository of accumulated owner knowledge for the benefit of all.

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