Important Electric Bill Info (and a mailroom reminder)

If you’re missing a package, be sure to check the “unit number missing” area on the top shelf of the mailroom closet; it seems some people aren’t aware that that shelf has been designated as such.

A resident has kindly compiled advice for making sure you have the best electric rate available. See below.

Checking your electric bill and signing on to the City’s Electricity Aggregation Program

If you, like me, was shocked with your electric bill recently, look at the back of your bill near the top of the page for Supplier Services.  Mine was National Grid.  If I had been on the ball when we moved in and got our new account, I should have signed on to the City’s electricity aggregation plan with Nextera Energy Services (Lowell Agg) at half the current NGrid rate.

Check your bill.  It could save you a lot of money.  If you want to switch to the City’s aggregation plan, it is serviced through Colonial Power Group and the supplier for Lowell is Nextera Energy Services.  Yes, it gets confusing. You may have been pestered by phone solicitations from other electricity suppliers.  Or you may already be on the City program.

Signing up for the City plan is easy, go to Colonial Power Group’s opt in/out page and select Lowell.  Have your electric bill handy. You will need to check off your city, type of service (residential), supplier (National Grid). Then fill in the online form with the name on account, service address, phone and email address.

The switch to Nextera takes 1 to 2 billing cycles.

Information on Colonial Power Group and the communities they serve can be found here.

4 thoughts on “Important Electric Bill Info (and a mailroom reminder)”

  1. I don’t know who put this together to make our lives easier (not to mention keeping money in our pockets!) but THANK YOU!

  2. I looked at my electric bill and Nextera Energy Services is already my supplier. Thanks for the tip! I’m always looking for ways of saving expenses.

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