Below Zero Wind Chill Tonight

Just a heads up that, despite the mild temps today, it’s supposed to drop way down tonight with significant winds and wind chills below zero. If your unit happens to be one with pipes near an exterior surface and thus vulnerable to freezing, you might want to nudge your heat up in advance of the temperature drop as a precaution.

With so many people staying home so much these days, it’s easy to stop paying attention to what’s happening weather-wise.

2 thoughts on “Below Zero Wind Chill Tonight”

  1. “Pipes near an exterior surface?” What’s the differentiator? I assume meaning units on higher floors in the building that have thinner walls? Is that right?

    I never thought about it like this.

  2. The only instance I’ve ever heard about of pipes freezing was on the first floor which can be affected by cold air from the garage below. I admit though that my phrasing may have been rather odd—I was mostly trying to avoid a blanket statement that everyone should worry about their pipes freezing and crank up the heat when it’s probably not necessary.

    To be honest, after living here for 12 years with nary a problem, it wouldn’t even have occurred to me, but another resident was concerned enough to suggest reminding people to take care and that’s never a bad thing.

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