We have a fair number of gaming and anime magazines, plus some comic books, we’re planning to get rid of. We could just recycle them, but would anyone like them? If you’re into selling things on eBay, some of them are worth some $.
Also up for grabs are a lot of empty DVD cases for games, videos, and anime. Again, if you sell on eBay, some of the game cases have value. If you’re into anime and crafting (decoupage, decorating, etc.), the inserts and cover art from the cases are a great source of printed images for your project.
If you’re interested and would like more information, or know a person or group we could contact who might be, please let me know.
Trick-or-treating in the building is 6:00 to 7:30pm. Don’t forget to put your pumpkin flyer on your door if you’re welcoming Trick-or treaters. It’s always a fun event with lots of costumes & decorations & candy.
The lobby office will close at 10:30 instead of 11:00 this Saturday morning, so if you need something, don’t be late!
The City Council Parking Subcommittee will meet on Tuesday, November 12, at 5:30pm at City Hall to discuss—you guessed it!—parking! I’ll post more info once it’s available.
Question from resident (please respond in the comments):
“When I moved here 9 years ago, my upstairs window was glued shut. I let it be. Somehow it is now open and I know why it was glued. The problem is now I can not close it. Does anyone have experience with this and if so who do I call? It’s a little chilly and I need to get it closed.”
(Speaking from my own experience, the upstairs windows can be brutally hard to latch shut, assuming the latch is even intact. We have trouble with our own so I haven’t any useful suggestions myself. —admin.)
There’s Trick-or-Treat downtown this Saturday afternoon from noon to 3:00pm at the annual Lowell MonsterBash. Expect to see hordes of costumed little ones out and about.
Flyers were left at everyone’s door last Friday about Trick-or-Treat in the building on the 31st, but just a reminder that it will be happening from 6:00 to 7:30pm. It’s a fun event, and a lot of residents really get in the spirit!
Early voting has begun for the upcoming election. More info here.
The Bay State Marathon is tomorrow and will affect city traffic patterns. Scroll to the bottom of the linked page for a list of road closures.
While it’s wonderful to see seasonal decorations on people’s doors, please don’t place real pumpkins or other veggies outside your unit. They can damage the carpet and attract vermin.
And lastly, cool weather means more mice looking for warmth in our building. Be sure to seal up any entrance holes behind appliances or under sinks, and store food carefully in case one of the little critters does find its way in.
A resident has ended up with more fresh scrapple than he can eat and is happy to give it away to any takers. Call Bill: 978-289-7487
Also, a garage passcard turned up in the atrium. If it’s yours, please stop by the lobby office during regular hours or email me. If you know the card number (it should be on your invoices) to prove ownership, that would be great.
Everyone seems to have ordered huge packages this month. Please, please, please, pick up your packages—especially the large ones—ASAP! Be considerate of your neighbors and of the volunteers trying to keep the mailroom functioning smoothly. Thank you.
I’d like to thank those folks who take care of the atrium plants. It’s one of a hundred little volunteer activities that make life around here nicer. If you prune the plants, please don’t overdo it, and do be aware that leaves are bound to fall on the lower floors and that it’s the pruner’s responsibility to see that they’re picked up promptly before they get ground into the carpet.
That being said, if anyone sees a pile of dead leaves that have fallen from above and has a minute to spare, please pick them up and put them in the compost or in with your trash. It’s easier for many to do a little than for one person to de-litter every floor.
One other caution for those people who water the plants: be sure they need it first. Some plants have multiple caretakers and it IS possible to kill them with kindness.
Also, if you’re packing things to move or ship, or perhaps have a craft project that might benefit, I’ll have a couple of bags of bubble wrap and kraft paper up for grabs in the office tomorrow morning. Plus an unopened can of cake frosting good until next April (the cupcakes didn’t survive long enough to get frosted). All free for the taking!
As someone heavily involved in getting the word out about the temporary parking ban, I’d like to thank everyone for doing exactly as asked so that that whole side of the lot was clear right on schedule. Unfortunately, the city crew ran into a problem and didn’t show. Once they schedule a new date, we’ll try this whole thing again!
Just a reminder: The row of parking spaces along the fence by the Leo Roy Garage needs to be completely empty by 7am this Friday morning. The city is going to be staging in that area to prune the trees next to the garage. I’m not sure whether any remaining cars will be towed or worked around, but either way they’re at risk.
If you have a yellow sticker and can’t find parking elsewhere in the surface lot during the tree work, you can park in the Roy Garage and keep your receipt to be reimbursed. This includes people who need to park in the Roy Garage overnight tonight because they wouldn’t be able to get their cars moved early enough tomorrow.
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