Of Roofs and Parking Bans

The latest parking ban will be lifted at 5:00 this afternoon, which means anyone without regular garage parking has until 7:00 PM to remove their car from the city garage or risk parking fees. If you park on city streets at all, please be reminded that even without the ban parking is only allowed when the road is cleared to the curb; your vehicle must not stick out into traffic.

For anyone who’s been concerned about our roof, these icy winds have actually been helpful.  Here’s the official word from the management:

There are no plans to clean the roof. The roof is routinely checked as it was this morning. There is very little snow on the roof. It is almost bare in most areas with the exception of a few drifts against the skylights. There are no parapets on the roof and the wind blows the snow off and keeps the snow build up to a minimum.

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